Wednesday, 24 February 2016

W. G. Gabuscore's Manifesto

My people, though some of you may not know it, the time for election is near. Unlike several of my political opponents, I will like to divulge my divine plans for you and answer some of the questions that have been asked. For those who don’t know me, I’m Woobeu Gegekhido Gabuscore. I am a very honest and focused person. Two things you should look for is going the extra mile and looking at things from a different perspective.

First, you see, the present administration think they can embezzle public funds. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for you, I have a degree in siphoning public funds. All those national cake they are sharing will be like eggrolls when I am elected. I promise not to be like some public office holders who are chopping our money but growing thinner every day. You see them walking like emaciated rain-battered hens under the sun. Or are they under a curse? You better vote for a leader who looks like one in character and body. Oh don’t worry, unlike those stingy fools, most of you will have a share in the loot. That leads to my second point.

Most of you reading this will benefit from my administration (as long as you vote for me). Those of you in my campaign team will be promoted to chairmen and secretaries of well-funded committees where you are free to appropriate without interference. As for my numerous voters, there will be a thanksgiving party where food, drinks, dance and of course girls will be available beyond measure. Those that voted for my opponents will have to meet them if they want a share in the package; you have been warned!

The male hostel with the highest numbers of voters for me will have one of their blocks assigned to females. For the girls, the hostel will be allowed to have guys spend the night over, probably for security reasons and to study together. Ahem, females who want to stay in the male hostel and guys that want to study in female hostels will have to apply. These things will be subject to my approval, you know to prevent stories that itch the buttocks.

For those of you who wonder where I will get money to spend from, “dey there”. There are many ways to get money. First, Great Ife students have plenty of money pooled up in Student Union funds. I only need a befitting budget, something in the range of ten million, with a minimum of two million budgeted for phone calls. I will also introduce schemes like Great Ife Poverty Alleviation Scheme to help the poor men in my cabinet. Don’t worry, all of you that actively campaigned for me will also be elevated from poverty to wealth. If that doesn’t satisfy me, I will organize a show that will be the talk of Ife and its environs. I will get plenty of money from organizations, the student union purse and then demand for gate fees at the venue. Don’t worry, those that are affiliated to me will get free entry for themselves and their chikalas.

I hear cases of rape on our prestigious campus, and I am happy that people are coming out to talk about it. What I don’t like is the form of punishment melted out to them. Why should you beat a guy after a hard day’s work? When I’m elected, I will simply ask the girl if she enjoyed it or not, if she did, case closed. If she didn’t, she will be given an opportunity to repay the wrong that was done by raping the guy. If she doesn’t want to punish the guy, well she could ask for compensation in cash; that way we view it as a transaction in which the girl delivers and the guys pay. Is that not justice my people?

I was asked what I will do about the increase of theft in our halls. Well, I am not against one making any vocation a source of livelihood, however disagreeable it may be. What I don’t like is the fact that they are not regulated. I mean, someone will just wake up and claim to be a thief because he saw some potential business. So when I am elected, I will create an association which any potential thief will have to register with. Plus, you will have to pay trade permit, which will be a function of the business value. You don’t expect me to charge someone who stole a phone the amount I will charge the person who stole a laptop. Unlike most people, I am considerate.

To add to that, any one affiliated to my cabinet has the right to free practice. If you catch any of my people stealing, please keep your mouth shut. I am not like some other people o! I will deal with you in ways you cannot even imagine. For me, loyalty to my peeps trumps justice.

About the conditions in our hostels, well, it is very pitiable that things have worsen to this extent. However, we are not entirely helpless. As regards fans, I will award a contract to several of my political godfathers to deliver hand fans; yes, we are trying to be traditional. After all, most of you don’t have working fans in your homes. Don’t worry, one of them will surely deliver the goods. If not, well what do you have notebooks for?

For power supply, well I’m not PHCN, am I? Besides, you guys don’t pay PHCN bill so you should be grateful for whatever is given to you. After all, it’s said that only a thief wants to reap where he didn’t sow; you can be sure I won’t tolerate such in my administration (unless, of course, you are a registered thief). As for water, I will give all the students 25litres keg for water storage. That would be the welfare package you all are entitled to. After all, the taps run from time to time. When they do, I expect all students to be responsible and get some water for themselves. Sorry, the kegs are for a select few o. This is because my godfathers will need some of the money for personal use. Don’t worry, those who are able to get it will lend you if you ask them politely.

I hear complaints about inequality. Well I don’t believe in equality; rather I believe in quality. You don’t expect people with different qualities to be treated equally, do you? Your quality will determine how you will be treated. Have you not heard: some people protested at one time and were dealt with differently, some were unscathed, some suspended and some placed on probation. Those on probation had quality, and those that were unscathed had even more quality, get the point? If you want to have quality, join the winning team and contribute immensely.

As regards our school fees and closures, I blame the management. When you want to do things like this, you have to call the student leaders to a closed-door meeting. There you’ll intimate them on your plans, while you do that you make sure their pockets are growing in size. By the time you make it official, the student leaders would have settled all the noisemakers. Plus, you will grant free access to the school Wi-Fi. You can be sure that some ungrateful students will clamor for a congress and consequently a protest. To deal with that, I will simply march the student populace to Moro for a protest. I will make sure Great FM covers the entire event. I will also provide plenty of refreshments: this will be sourced from various means. While doing that, I will make sure lecturers still go to classes to teach. That way, those that came to study will be in class while the rest will be at CDL protesting forever if they like.

Great Ife Students, I have said enough for today. Those that are spiritual will know from the foregoing that my right to rule is divine. The unspiritual ones will say I have been saying rubbish. Thanks for your attention. God bless you.

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