Saturday, 13 February 2016


Two wrongs do not make a right; they form a couple – which in turn parents other wrongs

Gracious Egedegbe, 2015

Allow me to dispense with introductions and get straight to the matter on ground


Getting the fact right can be a bit hard because I was not present at the scene and majority of the eyewitnesses are either pro-NASELS or pro-STUDENT UNION with the in-between decreasingly narrow.

I have however tried to get an almost perfect version.

On that fateful day, Immanuel Kant, the Student Union’s PRO, alongside some other guys, wanted to make an announcement to 200level students of the department of English currently having a lecture at ODLT. As it turned out, the lecturer, Prof Y.K. Yusuf would not allow such. He (at this point things get messy) told him to get out of the lecture room. Probably in a bid to explain himself, the PRO approached the lecturer and was pushed back. Soon, Hon Seun, Secretary General of the Student Union, “charged in” and interrupted the class. The story ends with both parties demanding apology letters.


It has been a tradition as far as I can tell for the Student Union’s PRO to make announcements in classes during lecture hours. This is most probably to discharge his responsibility of disseminating information.

On the other hand, the lecturer is responsible for how he spends his lecture hour(s). Whether he decides to share his hour(s), with those who wish to make announcements, is entirely up to him.

As it turns out, the lecturer refused to allow the PRO intrude on his time. There is nothing wrong in that.

What is wrong, however, is the lecturer’s alleged approach. That is wrong on two counts. First, the PRO represents the generality of OAU student. He deserves by virtue of his position to be treated with respect. Furthermore, even if he were not serving in that capacity, he still does not deserve to be “shouted at” or even “pushed”. Let us assume this represents the “male wrong’; there is also the “female wrong”.

Hon Seun’s charge into the class certainly was not a good move. Even more, the “invasion” of CEC officials alongside pro-STUDENT UNION boys (some might read thugs) was certainly not a good move either. It was a rather crude way of dealing with a delicate matter. That was wrong on three counts. Culturally, the lecturer in question, no matter how wrong, should have be treated with respect.  Secondly, bringing guys (do not read thugs) would register in the mind of NASELS’ guys, an attempt to show physical might. Finally, it reeked of “near intimidation” and “power drunkenness” among others.


The Department of English boasts of over a 1000 students every session. They have a right to collectivity and loyalty when the need arises, even to their lecturers and executives. In addition to that, they form a quite a number of the eyewitnesses and can easily decide the narrative. They should however realize that they are a part of a whole; they do not stand alone. The Student Union represents the generality of Great Ife Students, Nasels alike.

The Student Union is the grand defender of Great Ife Students, or so it is expected to be. Its executives, among others, represent thousands of students. It is generally more recognized than any departmental association. As such, it can be compared with the Federal government with across-the-board duties and privileges. Despite all this, it must realize that it, like a human body, should not undermine any of its parts. There should be a constant striving for peace and unity


From the foregoing, it is obvious that two wrongs have breed quite a number of problems. It would also be clear to the seeing that no side is ready to back down. This is quite understandable for two reasons. First, pride is at the edge. Should a side back down, it would be a case of the victor and the vanquished. Secondly, there is the argument of precedence. The outcome of this “clash” would go a long way to decide how future events of similar nature would play out.

Nevertheless, it does not have to be that way. All parties should come in the spirit of humility, peace and unity and reach a compromise. No party can be absolved of any blame. “All have sinned!” Each party must accept their roles in the events that happened and apologize. As such, there will be no victor nor vanquished, just two groups of people who have shown maturity and intellectualism.

But then, what do I know?

Gracious Egedegbe


200 level, Dept of English

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