Friday, 26 February 2016

Dealing with the 10 naira per Sachet Water Issue

As many of you know already, my name is Woobeu Gegekhido Gabuscore. I am the only aspirant (as far as I know) for Great Ife Student Union Presidential Seat. (If you haven't, read my manifesto here) I want to share with my numerous and ever growing fans what I will do on the 10-naira per Sachet Water Issue.

When I learnt that Sachet water (aka pure water) is now sold for 10-naira apiece on our great campus, I was not bothered. The thing is, under the influence of the spirit, Prophetess Madam Adisa had stated: “Education is for those who can afford it; it is not for everybody”. In the same way, sachet water is not for everyone; it is for those who can afford it.

Some of you might criticise my alignment with the words of that great prophetess. Well, unless you know someone else through whom I can apply to the management just in case I need some cash for a leadership conference in the United States, I am sticking with her!

Now, on the issue on ground, if I am elected, there are many things I will do to deal with the situation. The first thing is to ignore it for a while. You see, as your leader, I cannot be bother about little things like a room getting burnt, or students being robbed at Ibadan Road, not to talk of sachet water being sold for 10 naira.

After a while, some troublemakers might begin to ask questions and demand action. Moreover, one budding satirist might decide to use the issue to improve his writing skills. I cannot allow these things to happen for too long. It is not as if I need the confidence of Great Ife Students; after all, once I am elected, I will serve my term to the very last so I have no reason to fear. However, because I am nice, I will move to the next step.

The next thing is to blame it onthe dollar. Yes, the dollar! Let me explain it this way, the water is being imported from the United States. In fact, not just the water but also the nylon and the workers themselves. Therefore, when you import this much from the United States with the high exchange rate of dollar to naira, you cannot just but expect the prices to rise.

Someone might mention that the company producing OAU Sachet Water does not have to import anything. The first thing to ask is: how did that person know? Does such a company even exist? Even if it is true, well, you cannot expect them to give up this opportunity to increase revenue. Some people might call it greed, but I call it smartness. Besides, since they have increased the price of sachet water, it is only a matter of time (about 10 years) before the salaries of the factory workers are increased.

The next step is to visit the many women and few men at the butteries in all halls of residence. I am not sure of what I will do there, but I will make sure everyone knows I visited the butteries. I need to give the students the impression that I am doing something about it, at least to bind some students to foolishly defend my every action.

Once I have garnered enough support, I will announce that I want to install borehole machines and GP tanks in all halls of residence. Many of these students drink “Omole’s Water”. Therefore, they should welcome the idea. (It is ironical that these same students want Omole to vacate his office. If he does, will he not take “his water” with him?) I am trying to improve on the former administration. At a time, the man with the shinning head did something like that in Angola Hall, only for some people to complain that it was not working. I will not be like him!

For me, I will budget a large sum of money, say three hundred thousand naira for each hostel. Then I will present a budget of four hundred thousand naira to the Student Union Parliament. Those guys will clamour and claw each other over the budget. At the end, I will promise fifty thousand off each installation to some parliamentarians should they vote for the budget to be passed for three hundred and fifty thousand naira per installation.

That way, I am still on track with the originally budgeted sum of three hundred thousand per installation. Yeah, I know, I am a genius.

If you think I will spend three hundred thousand naira on borehole installation and GP tank per hostel, then you do not know anything! I will spend a little above half on the project. The other part will be for me, myself and my fans. Just so you know, most of the equipment will be second-hand and castoffs. The tanks will be repainted, of course. One thing is certain, however, the machines will work when I come around to commission them. This is necessary for two reasons: to give my supporters something to use in my defence and to allow me take on other projects.

I can assure you that the machines will not work after a month, but who cares? Great Ife students are resilient; they can cope with anything. Besides, all these talks of probing former leaders is all a farce. No one is ever probed in the real sense of the word. Hence, I have nothing to fear after my tenure. In fact, I am getting rid of my closet because I have no need to hide my skeletons.

And so while haters are complaining and the wise ones are either looking for ways to either afford sachet water or drink “Omole’s water”, I’ll use the “change” from the projects to get myself plenty of bottle water. After all, I can afford it.

That’s all for now.

Remember to vote for me when the ban is lifted.

Vote for the man who is willing to go the extra mile

Vote Woobeu for President

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