Monday, 1 February 2016

Aim Higher

Imagine today is the first day of the last month of your life. Imagine you have infinite power to achieve goals, add value and create happiness in the following 28 days. Imagine, just imagine, that the fate of your immediate world lies in your hand for the rest days of this month.
I don’t know about you, but for me, I sure will try to AIM HIGHER. The month of January is gone with its thrills, drags, emotions and all what not; in other words, its past tense. The month of February is more like the present that explains the past and dictates the future.
I don’t have to imagine that I have infinite power because I do, and you too. We all have within ourselves unlimited power, influences that could transform our immediate world and our lives. The smiles you put on faces, the quarrels that leave you and the other party bitter; everything points to one singular fact: that you’re powerful.
So from me to you, it’s a month to AIM HIGHER. It’s time to transcend LIVING to becoming ALIVE to the possibilities of the power within you. It’s a time to create happiness and fulfillment within yourself and others around you. It’s time to work harder to achieve your goals. It’s a time to pick yourself up from where you fell last month. It’s a time to consolidate on your previous victories.
You don’t have to take my word for the sake of it; but I sure will want you to give it a thought.
Why don’t we have a little experiment today: Write on a clean piece of paper, “HAPPY NEW MONTH”, make little designs on the paper, fold it neatly, write “WITH LOVE” and pass it across to anyone you like.
I will like to know how that went.

With Love

Your feedback, comments, suggestions and questions are welcomed

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